Shock Your Opponents With The Lob Shot

Pickleball Singapore

What Is A Lob Shot?

Firstly, let’s define the lob shot. I consider the lob shot in pickleball as a specialty shot. Meaning, it is not a shot that I use as often as standard groundstrokes and volleys in a game. It is a shot that I will use in specific situations where it would be advantageous.

The lob shot is a high, arching shot that is hit over the opponent's head and lands deep in their court. It is used as a defensive tactic to reset the point or to catch opponents off guard and gain an advantage. In pickleball, it can be hit with either forehand or backhand, depending on the situation.

How Do I Hit A Lob Shot?

Now it’s one thing knowing what a lob shot is, but it is just as important knowing how to execute the shot. Here I will share some insights on the lob shot techniques that have been most useful to me and my students.

The grips we want to adopt for the lob shot is either the continental or eastern grip on the forehand side. For the backhand side, I advise using continental one-handed. The reason for using the eastern grip on the forehand side is that it will allow us to generate topsins more easily. When we can add topspin to our lob shots, it makes the shot have more control and accuracy.

As for the technique, the key to a successful lob shot is to keep a steady and smooth swing path without any sudden jerks. Start by setting your paddle back behind you with your arm slightly bent at the elbow. Keep your wrist relaxed but firm as you bring your paddle up towards contact point with the ball. The contact point should be slightly in front of your body.

When Do I Use The Lob Shot In My Pickleball Match?

When teaching the lob shot to my students, I always emphasise the importance of using the lob shot at the right time. A well executed lob shot involves catching your opponent off guard. If they are expecting a lob shot, then they will have plenty of time to move into position to smash your lob!

We should have the element of surprise in our pickleball lob shots. To do this, we must ensure that we don’t use the lob shot too often. Use it with moderation and when your opponent is displaying an aggressive pattern of movements. For example, they come to volley at the kitchen line often and hit aggressive volleys to pin you back behind the baseline. If you find yourself pinned back behind the baseline when playing against an aggressive volleyer, then it may be a good time to consider using the lob shot to get your opponent on the backfoot.

To conclude, the lob shot is a useful and effective shot to have in your pickleball arsenal. Used at the right time, it can catch opponents off guard and give you an advantage in a point. However, remember not to overuse it or use it predictably as this will take away its effectiveness. Keep practicing and incorporating the lob shot into your game and surprise your opponents with this powerful and deceptive shot. So don't be afraid to mix it up with some lob shots next time you hit the pickleball court!


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